The Amazing, Bold, and Transformed Me

A dedication to all the women and girls in the YWCA and around the world, we are the greatest change makers, we only need to see the strength of our power and use it.

I am an amazing woman, full of love and purpose, and confident about whom I am
I came to this world on a journey and an adventure of self-discovery and actualization
I have been unable to see, but my eyes can now view what awesomeness is in me
I now have clear vision, for the blinds that once clouded my sight are thrown open
I now see the world, through a wide lens that is filled with unending possibilities
I am an amazing woman, who is now learning to honour myself, because I matter
I am a one of a kind creation for whom there is no replacement and I have a right to be
I have a unique DNA that makes me stand out from others just the way God intended
I have a space given to me by the universe that is just exactly right for me
I can’t be you nor can you be me, but together we can make this world wonderful for all
I have been asleep for so long, dead to the world around me for I had no self-belief
I believed my dreams were impossible because I had fear that none would come true
I no longer fear because like Martin Luther King, Today I do have a dream and
I am taking a chance to trust in me as I dare myself to go with the flow on this journey
I now know that nothing is impossible and everything is possible it all depends on me
I am an amazing woman, unstoppable, bold and transformed in body, mind and spirit
I believe in sisterhood, strength in numbers, support for you and I as we journey together
I know the road is never easy but with this transformation, we can overcome all barriers
I now know that my life is more than what happened to me or what people say about me
I know I am amazing and the world will never be the same because I left my print, we all left our prints, I was here, we were here!

A dedication to all the women and girls in the YWCA and around the world, we are the greatest change makers, we only need to see the strength of our power and use it.

By Beatrice Ahere

Programme Officer of YWCA of Kenya

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1 Comment

  • Wonderfull! Step by step and together we will make changes. Congratulations for the big job, YWCA and all members !!!

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