I hope you will learn that education is key, add humility, dignity and respect; you have a bunch of keys.

I hope you will learn that beauty is engraved on the soul, coz that is where things like forever come from.

I hope. I hope you learn not to fight and burn houses, how about instead you burn your egos.

I hope. I’m hoping heaven is the skies because God is up to something.

I’m hoping you will understand me better not only when I’m wearing a suit. Take me more seriously in business pursuit, but if I, if I am in jeans you won’t be keen coz am a young person who is not taken seriously…

I am a young person

Take me seriously

Take me seriously!

Just a memory my neighbour lost his hand and our leaders lost their touch. These words keep ringing………so am hoping someone will pick up.

Pick up change, pick up humanity.

Because this call is just not for change, this call is for accepting the mistakes and embracing the change.

So I’m hoping being a peacemaker you will learn that education is key, knowledge is power, add humility and dignity and you have a bunch of keys.

Click the video below to watch Salima share her inspiring story and poem in her own words.



Salima is a confident, self driven and artistic young woman from the YWCA of Kenya; championing and advocating for issues of Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights as well as Gender Based Violence. Currently, she is the Branch Coordinator of YMCA Kenya. Salima uses poetry,music and open forums to impact change in her community by telling her life story to the world.

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1 Comment

  • I believe in women empowerment and gender equality. When you empower one woman you empower the whole society.All these gender injustices are soon becoming history.If we as women believe in ourselves and share the love,support each woman then we will conquer. I thank YWCA`S for the work they are doing.

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