Expanding My Horizons through AU

My name is Rose Robert Manumba, I am a lawyer and a Program Coordinator at the YWCA of Tanzania. I had the opportunity to attend the 29th Gender Is My Agenda Campaign (GIMAC) Summit and the 9th AU Pre-Gender Summit at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia where the theme was, “Harnessing demographic dividend through Investment in Youth.”

It was a great opportunity for me to learn and acquire new skills as well as gain a better understanding of the objectives of GIMAC and the AU. I became inspired and motivated to keep working towards empowering women and young women and contribute to ensuring justice is obtained. It was also wonderful for me to be mentored by our very own African women leaders. These women can be seen as our mothers and role models. Thanks to them we will be able to keep the movement going, strive to achieve gender equality and ensure young women are economically empowered.

During the AU Summit I got to present the problems and issues facing young women of Tanzania to our leaders and provide recommendations on how to tackle the issues. This was a chance for me to share my skills and knowledge with my peers on how we can create the “Africa we want.” This includes how to economically empower young women as well as how to achieve gender equality.

Participating at the AU Pre-Gender Summit allowed me to expand my horizon and network of people and friends. I met different people from several countries in Africa. We were able to work together to ensure that the young people of the African Continent continue to work towards achieving the “Africa we want” with sustainable development and empowered young women. Expanding my horizon is key in today’s globalized world since I am aware of the fact that “Everybody Matters”. This means that everybody can contribute to achieve a particular goal.

I would like to give my sincere appreciation to the World YWCA and the YWCA of Tanzania for giving me this amazing opportunity as a young woman, to experience and negotiate issues facing our African Continent, which we are all proud of.

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